Check out these great maze cartoons by Yonatan Frimer Click on the cartoons to view them larger and in greated detail. Cartoon Maze: Who you calling chicken? By Yonatan Frimer Maze cartoon of a bunch of chickens, labeled with the name of terrorist groups around a Turkey, labeled AKP, the ruling party in Turkey, and the Turkey exclaims, "Who you calling chicken!" Created by Yonatan Frimer Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze Click here for the maze solution. | | |
Cartoon Maze: Which Islam is the true one? By Yonatan Frimer Maze cartoon of a muslim preacher at the pulpit exlaiming "Islam is the only true religion." A voice from the crowd asks, "Shi'a or Sunni?" The speaker responds, "INFIDEL!!!" Created by Yonatan Frimer Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze Click here for the maze solution. | | |
Cartoon Maze of Israel's PR team. Barrel of Monkeys and 3 Stooges Maze cartoon of Israel's incompetent public relations team. A barrel of monkeys and the 3 stooges. Created by Yonatan Frimer Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze Click here or on the image for the maze solution. | ||
Erdogan & comparison of Flotilla to September 11th. Maze cartoon of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan comparing the Flotilla raid to September 11th. Someone from the crowd asks how it would "stack up against the Armenian Genocide." Created by Yonatan Frimer Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze Click here or on the image for the maze solution. | | |
Cartoon Maze of the Gaza Flotilla and what it left in its wake. Maze cartoon of the Gaza Flotilla. The boat leaves in its wake violence, diplomatic crisis, sympathy for terrorist, lies, and of course an Israeli PR overhaul. Created by Yonatan Frimer Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze Click here or on the image for the maze solution. Click to view our other popular Editorial Cartoon & Maze |
Maze Kong - Created by Yonatan Frimer | Hallucamazenic Maze-A-Delic Maze-a-delic Art, by Yonatan Frimer |
"Genius Maze" - By Y. Frimer
Thanks for this content on the blog. Andrea